Thai Yellow Chicken Curry

Thai Yellow Chicken Curry-Thai Food

Yellow Chicken Curry, one of the popular Thai cuisines with full flavor from ingredients and spices especially its chili paste that has turmeric, one of the best herb as its ingredients. So, can’t take this menu out of top rank foreigners’ favorite Thai dishes which many of them have to give thump up!   

About the Yellow Chicken Curry

Besides the flavor and presentation of Yellow Chicken Curry that attractively, the curry powder, one of the ingredients is herb with a lot of benefits i.e. anti-oxidant to prevent cancer, anti-inflammation, prevent gastric ulcer, disinfect, moisture for your skin, reduce dull skin and particularly will help to prevent aging and forgetfulness in old ages.   

And another significant ingredient in Yellow Curry is turmeric is also having some medical benefits are nourish the body elements, purify blood, antacids, carminative, relieve stomach pain and enhance appetizer.    

To cooking Yellow Chicken Curry, there are many recipes to cook. But here we will show you how to cook yellow curry from a preparation of curry paste which is the original Thai style cooking. Shall we start?

Yellow Curry Chicken Recipe

Yellow Curry Chicken Recipe

Ingredients for Yellow Curry paste

  1. Dried chili (Large) 100 grams
  2. Roasted shrimp paste 45 grams
  3. Roasted shallots 100 grams
  4. Roasted ginger 2 tablespoons
  5. Roasted garlic 150 grams
  6. Roasted coriander seeds and grounded 3 tablespoons
  7. Roasted galangal 2 teaspoons
  8. Roasted cumin and grounded 2 teaspoons
  9. Lemongrass 50 grams
  10. Curry powder 4 teaspoon
  11. Cardamom fruit 6
  12. Coriander root 85 grams
  13. Cinnamon 1 teaspoon
  14. Ground salt 1 teaspoon
  15. Turmeric or yellow color 1 teaspoon


Ingredients for Yellow Curry Chicken
  1. Soak dried chili in the water until it is soften then put in the mortar and pound together with salt then add the dried ingredients are roasted coriander, roasted cumin, pepper, cardamom fruit, cinnamon and curry powder and pound to mix well.
  2. Add coriander root, galangal, lemongrass, roasted ginger and pound together until mix well and then add garlic, shallots, shrimp paste and pound until mix well.           

Ingredients for curry: (for 2-3 servings)

  • Chicken meat (Thigh or Breast as optional) 700 grams
  • Yellow curry paste 1 tablespoon (can add extra more if prefer strong hot and spicy)
  • Coconut milk 3 cup
  • Onion (Cut in chunk) 1 (large)
  • Potato (rinse, peel and cut in big chunk) 2  
  • Slices red chili 3 seeds
  • Palm sugar ½ tablespoon
  • Salt ½ teaspoon
  • Fish sauce 1 tablespoon
  • Cooking oil 1 tablespoon


1. Rinse chicken and cut in chunk, if use drum stick or thigh part no need to cut

2. Heat the pan over the medium heat and add oil then add 1 cup of coconut milk let it bubbling. Then add curry paste and stir continuously until its fragrance come out and got oil from coconut milk. Then add chicken and reduce the heat to low and simmer it about 10-15 minutes.      

3. Add onion, potato, and the rest of coconut milk and flavor with fish sauce, palm sugar, chili and salt, and simmer it more 15-20 minutes or until the potato is soften. Turn off the heat.  

4. Serve hot in a bowl with Steamed Thai jasmine rice or roti, and slices cucumber and shallot in vinegar (Ar Jard Salad) 

Slices Cucumber and Shallot in Vinegar Salad (Ar Jard)

Slices Cucumber and Shallot in Vinegar Salad (Ar Jard)


  • Vinegar 125 milliliter
  • Sugar 115 grams
  • Sliced cucumber (Medium)  ½
  • Slices shallots 2
  • Red Chili 1 (seedless and sliced)
  • Coriander for garnish   


     1. In the saucepan, add vinegar and sugar and heat over low, stir continuously until sugar is melted then remove from the stove and cool down.

     2. Add cucumber, shallots and chili mix well and serve as a side dish with Yellow curry


  • Use fresh chicken meat and to make tastier marinate with 2 teaspoon fish sauce.
  • Dried chili: select one with bright red color.
  • Use mature galangal
  • Use fresh turmeric
  • Use sea salt
  • During simmering use low heat and stir the curry time by time to avoid the coconut is flaky.


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