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The website producer, first of all, would like to thank everyone who visits our website and interested in information and articles regarding travel in Thailand. We hope those of which information would be useful to our readers learning and knowing more about Thailand, in which planning and preparing for the trip to Thailand.

Objectives of the website:

  • To provide useful information for foreign tourists focused on vital information to travel in Thailand, places to visit, people, lifestyle, as well as believe, culture, and religion, for instance, that are unique by local and region of the country. Consequently, foreign tourists have a proper reference source to make better decisions and plan for the trip to Thailand.
  • To convey the beauty of tourist attractions in Thailand and Thais to the world via the personal aspect of a local.
  • To be a part that supports and enhances tourism in Thailand as a useful medium and source of proper information that is helpful for foreign tourists appropriately.
  • To provide general information for the foreign tourists who plan the journey to Thailand in terms of local culture and background of any attractions. Consequently, the tourists will have a useful reference for promoting the trip even more pleasant and meaningful.
  • To make understanding to foreign tourists about tourist attractions in Thailand based on Thai’s point of view, which is different from the review articles, commercial-related articles, or recommended stories to visit Thailand by the outsiders. Those of information may misunderstand or inaccurate the background of places, local believe, culture, traditions, for example, that may lead to any misunderstanding and may cause an unpleasant trip in Thailand.

Yet, the website producer would like to take an opportunity to apology everyone in case any information proving on our website may not be up-to-date or any other mistakes. We are very appreciative of your comments and recommendations to develop and improve our website that will be helpful to one searching for the proper information about traveling in Thailand in the future.

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If you have any suggestions, comments or would like to report a mistake/correction, don’t hesitate to contact us through our Facebook page or mail me at: