Mae Ya Waterfall, the watery heaven on earth
For anybody who loves to venture in somewhere with pure nature and charming atmosphere. Chiang Mai, one of the most favourite destinations in Thailand may be your right choice. Since it is abundant in natural attraction – mountains, forests, rivers, and waterfalls. In particular to the waterfall, Chiang Mai is so-called a home of many excellent waterfall site in the region and the country. And the most magnificent waterfall that is a pride of Chiang Mai is “Mae Ya Waterfall,” the notable tourist attraction in Doi Inthanon National Park.
About Mae Ya Waterfall
The echo of the water that splashes down over the stone cliff is heard from far away. Many people go sightseeing from the distance to witness the glory and beauty of Mae Ya Waterfall once in the lifetime. The striking waterfall nestles in the middle of the valley in the woods of Doi Inthanon National Park, one of the most noticeable national park in Thailand. The screen of the water flows over the steep rock looks similar to the water descending from the heaven. Moreover, since the unique geological characteristics of the Mae Ya Waterfall resulting in it is second to none for its charm and elegance.
Mae Ya Waterfall is classified to be one of the most magnificent waterfalls in Thailand. It is a significant fall that is the splendid and graceful among any other site in Doi Inthanon National Park. So, it is a must-not-miss checkpoint for any tourist who visits the national park, indeed. The waterfall was claimed as the most beautiful waterfall in Thailand before the discovery of Thi Lor Su Waterfall in Umphang National Park, Tak.
Charming of Mae Ya waterfall
The source of the fall is a current from Mae Ya creek that splashes down over the 30 tiers of the precipice with more than 260 meters in the total of its height. The stream can reach 100 meters in width during the rainy season features the curtain of the water with the fine of mist diffusing all around the area and descends to the pond down below that is so fantastic. However, it is precautious in some spot of the fall from water playing with the precaution signage. Some parts of Mae Ya Waterfall are the overhanging rock which allows the visitors to see the screen of the water while hiding from the splash behind the cliff. And in the pond that is safe enough, the visitors can enjoy the fresh and cold water leisurely.
The water of the fall in the draught season is few, nonetheless, the water is more transparent than other periods. Mae Ya Waterfall is environed by rich and verdant trees where is an ideal place for recreation and relaxation. Furthermore, there is a Hydroelectric power plant locates at the last stage of the current that operated by the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). And anyone would like to stay the night at the location; the national park allows to set the camping. Anyhow, the tourist needs to contact the national park office for permission.
Sightsee the Mae Ya Waterfall

From the highway number 1009 which is the road to reach Doi Inthanon National Park. After you pass the intersection then follows the signage to go to the waterfall about 14 km. Then, it is a curvy road with some slopes according to the characteristic of the mountain range that makes the travelers feel it is more extended journey than it is. The sign to let the visitors know that it is near to the waterfall site is the scene of the white stream descending over the massive cliff from a distance.
It affirms the size of the fall that is a huge waterfall, indeed since it is allowed the visitors to see it apparently even though it is miles away. Mae Ya Waterfall is quite easy to reach because its location is not too far from the main road as same as other exciting waterfalls in the national park – Vachirathan Waterfall and Mae Klang Waterfall for example.
From the parking then walks more 600 meters approximate along the merely concrete walkway with a little slop. Then, arriving at the Wildlife Protection Unit, Mae Ya Waterfall. There are tables and benches set up next to the stream for the visitors to take some rest before move forward to the fall. And as close as the visitors get to the fall, the size of it is more extensive, consecutively.
And finally reaching the highlight of the place, where is the spot to witness the so-called the water from the heaven. The magnificent and heart-taking landscape of the Mae Ya Waterfall is right in front of your eyes. The waterfall is so fantastic and offers a lot of photo opportunities for the tourists to keep its pictures which will be another impressed moment.
Operating and Admission

Operating time:
Daily between 8.00am – 4.30pm.
End of October – March. In the rainy season, the national park reserved the right to close the location if it is the flash flood.
Admission Fee:
Thai: Adults is THB50 / Children is THB20
Foreigner: Adults is THB200 / Children is THB100
note: No need to pay If pay the admission fee at the checkpoint of Doi Inthanon.
The visitors can travel to Mae Ya Waterfall through of the year. However, the peak season is in cold season since it is too draught in the summer and the rainy season may cause any danger.
How to Get to Mae Ya Waterfall
From Chiang Mai town, heads south on the road number 108 (Chiang Mai – Hod) with the distance about 60 km and will spot a T-junction. Then, takes the right fork to go to Doi Inthanon on the highway number 1009. Drives about a kilometre and turns left. Heads towards about 14 km and will arrive at the parking. Later, walk more 600 meters to the waterfall.
Note: The path to the waterfall is not suitable for small children and seniorities.
- Food stalls and shops
- 2 parking with its capacity for 50 cars – 2 restrooms for male and 2 restrooms for female locate near to the checking point